Celebrities Are #WithHer

This year’s presidential election is definitely one for the record books. Beyond unconventional candidate choices and one scandal after the next, this election cycle will be highlighted as one in which millennials were targeted relentlessly.

Millennials are considered immensely vulnerable to influences by celebrity figures. Products and ideas have always been pushed through celebrities in marketing campaigns, but now celebrities are increasingly participating in the election process.



For at least the last couple of months, if not longer, I have not been able to log into my Instagram or Twitter account without seeing at least one celebrity figure posting #ImWithHer pictures, videos and links.

Even this year’s Democratic National convention was repleted with celebrity endorsements, with speeches from Meryl Streep, Eva Longoria and more. Actors, singers, and other entertainment figures are not only being open with their political preferences but are also trying to push those ideas on others.

But is it working?

Studied have said no, celebrity endorsements do not actually affect voting. That is, it’s unlikely that anyone would actively change their voting preference from Hillary to Trump simply because Miley Cyrus told us to. But these types of endorsements have proven to affect both voter turnout and donations to campaigns.

When Oprah Winfrey endorsed Barack Obama for president, he received an influx of donations and public outcries of support. The underdog candidate ended up taking office. And since then openly declaring political preferences and support has become something public figures embrace rather than shy away from for fear of alienating a portion of their supporters.

Pandering to Millennials has become commonplace and even expected in such high-level political issues. Using celebrities to promote campaigns is just that – pandering.

They’re not going to change opinions but campaigns like RockTheVote and other celebrity driven marketing makes registering to vote seem easy, exciting and important. Since our generation is so large and has such potential for influence, these types of campaigns that alleviate cynicism toward voting and make registering to vote exciting can have a real effect on the outcome of future elections.