A Differing in Opinions: Military Brats On Politics, Their Parents, and the 2016 Election

By Dejarelle Gaines

Politics and religion were two things that my mother, a veteran of over 22 years in the U.S. army,  was never openly vocal about. She would give hints to her political leanings in everyday situations such as a phone conversation with my extremely radical liberal uncle or her almost religious recording of Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show,” but otherwise these topics weren’t discussed. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school when I was taking AP Government that I thought to ask my mom what her political views were.

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The Commodification of the Presidential Candidate

By Dejarelle Gaines

This upcoming election is proving to be a first in many respects, including the mass commodification of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. From cookies, to Halloween costumes, to coloring books, and clothing and accessories, this election has seen the popularization of the image of both presidential candidates. Now, whether this is a good or a bad thing, there is no concrete answer, but there are ways to look at this from a critical angle.

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