Follow the (Future) Leader


In March of 2016, three researchers from the University of Rochester set out to conduct an experiment. Yu Wang, Yuncheng Li, and Jiebo Luo ended up with a paper titled Deciphering the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign in the Twitter Sphere: A Comparison of the Trumpists and Clintonists. The paper compared the Twitter followers of the two major party candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, of the 2016 presidential election.

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Celebrities Are #WithHer

This year’s presidential election is definitely one for the record books. Beyond unconventional candidate choices and one scandal after the next, this election cycle will be highlighted as one in which millennials were targeted relentlessly.

Millennials are considered immensely vulnerable to influences by celebrity figures. Products and ideas have always been pushed through celebrities in marketing campaigns, but now celebrities are increasingly participating in the election process.

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