

Saints or Sinners

Juliet’s dark brown eyes glanced slowly down toward the fuzzy edges of her scarf and then quickly met mine. “Yes, I would say I’m a feminist,” she said, initially rattled by the question. Juliet Kapanjie is a 21-year-old senior studying acting at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. […]


Politics vs. Art in Cinema

Sitting in the comfortable, lofty screener rooms on the sixth floor of the Tisch School of the Arts building, one feels the lights dim before they extinguish completely, as the room is cloaked in blackness. Cinema is in some sense a safe space. But what happens if behind-the-scenes of that […]


Where Are Our Allies?

Young women call for a reckoning of friends and peers, not just employers.   Jan 2018 — A white dry-erase board reads, “Where Are Our Allies?!” with thick black lettering except for the question mark and exclamation point, both drawn in red. The soaring glass windows of 7 World Trade […]


No Harvey Weinstein in Science

“I’m not plain vanilla!,” Suse Broyde proclaims over the constant humming of the heater in her 20’ by 6’ office. The moss colored carpet is stained, hiding its original gray color. Shelves of books line the walls, some filled with piles of papers pouring out of overstretched manila folders. The […]