Graduate students from New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute spent a recent weekend in the swing state Pennsylvania, covering stories surrounding the 2016 Presidential Election. The Reporting the Nation and New York cohort spent the weekend in Philadelphia. Students in the Business and Economic Reporting program headed to Scranton.
Pennsylvania is known as a demographic bridge between midwestern states and the northeast states. Through this year’s contentious Presidential Election, various outlets, and polls have noted that Pennsylvania joins a select list of states that have the power to decide who will become the country’s next president. The state, which has leaned Democrat since 1992, has large pockets of red counties that can sway the state. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s largest city, remains a Democratic stronghold, while smaller cities like Scranton, formerly Democratic, are emerging as Republican.
NYU Journalism Business and Economic Reporting Program >
NYU Journalism Reporting the Nation & New York Program >
Yvonne Latty
Adrian Mihai
Kelly Braun
Cora Cervantes
Jennifer Cohen
Rebeca Corleto
Brelaun Douglas
Brandon Gomez
Sophie Herbut
Julie Liao
Ang Li
Eli Kurland
Cassidy Morrison
Lis Setyon
Razi Syed
Mexngxue Sun
Adam Penenberg
Stephen Solomon
Leslie Wayne (in New York)
Nayla Al-Mamlouk
Yinan Che
Aaron Coleman
Xin (Krystal) Hu
Mike Juang
Phyllis Lam
Britt Martin
Charles Rollet
Paula Seligson
James Thorne
Yueqi Yang
Yifan Yu
Yi (Jane) Zhang
Wei (Wolfie) Zhao